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Buscando Libros

Publicado: 19 Jul 2012, 20:54
por nelly
Duro es pedir, pero mas es robar, jeje.

Estoy buscando el libro de Marienburgo, el de la 1ª edicion donde describen la ciudad (y de paso tambien si alguien tiene Castillo Drachenfels en español genial).

No me importaria comprarlo, pero es que no lo encuentro en ningun lado. Eso si, requisito imprescindible que este en español.

Es importantillo. Gracias

Perdonen el no poner los acentos pero me acaba de entrar el mierda de la doble tilde.

Re: Buscando Libros

Publicado: 21 Jul 2012, 20:51
por Y.O.P.
Ojalá pudiera ayudarte, pero tengo los dos en formato físico, así que no sé dónde podrías encontrar el PDF, está la cosa malísima respecto a determinados suplementos.

Por cierto, el del Castillo Drachenfels, en realidad, es una simple escusa para cascarnos un megadungeon al más puro estilo Castlevania...

Re: Buscando Libros

Publicado: 22 Jul 2012, 00:33
por nelly
Pedona que abuse de tu tiempo, pero ¿podrías decirme como traducen los siguientes términos?

- Elftown (69)
- Elfgate
- Tumble Downs (8)
- Honourable Company ofLamplighters and Watchmen
- Marienburg Secrerariat for Trade Equity
- Old Money Ward
- College of Navigation and Sea Magicks
- Grootche Marsh (esto es imposible de encontrar en ningún lado)
- Grey Barbed Shark

Sé que los que te he puesto números entre paréntesis es la página en la que salen, los otros no estoy seguro, pero sería estupendo una traducción para ellos.

Zenkiu beri mach

Re: Buscando Libros

Publicado: 22 Jul 2012, 00:43
por nelly
Honourable Company of Lamplighters (en la 38)
Old Money Ward (en la 52)
College of Navigation and Sea Magicks,(en la 45)
Grey Barbed Shark (en la 8)
Marienburg Secrerariat for Trade Equity (en la 38)
Grootche Marsh (116)

La verdad es que habría podido buscar mejor.

Y bueno, me gustaría comprobar algunos nombres más para hacerlos "oficial" en Los Mil Tronos

Re: Buscando Libros

Publicado: 22 Jul 2012, 16:27
por Y.O.P.
¿Tienes el libro en inglés? así puedo ir comparando. Me da que algunos términos de los que expones se han traducido muy "libremente" al castellano.

Re: Buscando Libros

Publicado: 23 Jul 2012, 19:50
por nelly
Te pongo con más detalle las reseñas con varias páginas y el parrafillo donde aparece:

- Elftown:
Pág 15: the walls are meant more to shelter the harbours of Manaanshaven and Elftown, whose ships and marines are vital to the
city's defence.

Pág 21: 2,391 Two days of riots result from Elves arresting a Human in the Suiddock and dragging him off to Elftown. Many Elves lynched before tempers are calmed.

Pág 36: Trancas Quendalmanliye, owner of the Three of a Kind casino near Elftown, may or may not belong to the League.

- Elfgate Bridge:
pág 73: Situated midway across the bustling Elfgate Bridge, neither wholly a part of Marienburg nor of Sith Rionnasc'namishathir,

pág 73: The lower level, built into the Elfgate bridge itself, is an exclusive casino.

pág 74: Sitting on the outer edge of the Grand Circle canal near Elfgate Bridge, the Hall of Trade is the centre of public commerce
in Sith Rionnasc.

- Tumble Downs (8):
pág 9: The old codger has spent so much money on uniforms and equipment over the years that the men of
Aarnau are known as 'Wasteland Peacocks', though none who have seen them fight against Fimir warbands in the northern
Tumble Downs will say that to an Aarnauer's face. The Tumble Downs are cut by one real highway, the Middenheim Road.

pág 10: North and west beyond the Gisoreux Road lie the empty wastes of the Bitter Moors, a vast expanse that rolls to the
Bretonnan frontier. Little of value grows in this poisoned land and, if anything, it is even less populated than the Tumble Downs.

pá 18: Small towns and villages were founded on the Tumble Downs, of which Aarnau is the largest and oldest.

- Honourable Company of Lamplighters:
Officially known as the Honourable Company of Lamplighters and Watchmen, Marienburg's city Watch is better known for the distinctive floppy black hats they wear.

pág 65: On the south end of the Draaienbrug swing-bridge stands a Watch Post - Gram Dawys Memorial Post Number One of the Honourable Company of Lamp-lighters and Watchmen, to give it its full name.

- Old Money Ward
pág 52:
Noord Miragliano
Dead Canal
Dwarf's Hold
Gold Mound
Guilder Field
Dealers' Market
Indie District
Kislevan way
Little Moot
Porters' Wall
Luigi's Town
Knife Alley
Nippon Town
North Miragliano
North Wall
Norscan town
East Wall
Old Money Ward
Palace District
Remas Way
Rijk's Gate
Treasure Holm
South Dock
Temple District
The Flats
Wine sack
2Silk market

- College of Navigation and Sea Magicks
pag´13: Why these islands remained above water while the swamp swallowed so much of the surrounding land is a
mystery, though scholars of the College of Navigation and Sea Magicks have speculated that it may have something to do
with Elven High Magic, the obscure runes of which have been found in the deepest ruins' chambers.

pág 26: culture that it is unsurprising its government is different as well. Since the passing of the Barons of Westerland, it has had
no royalty: no kings, no princes, no dukes - not even an odd baronet or two to form a proper government. Needing something
to describe themselves to others, the scholars of Baron Henryk's College of Navigation and Sea Magicks recently coined
the term 'democracy', meaning 'rule by the masses

pág 45: Promising students may then take entrance exams for Baron Henryk's College of Navigation and Sea Magicks, Marienburg's world-renowned university (see p.93).

- Grey Barbed Shark:
pag 8: The bay is also frequently visited by the Grey Barbed Shark, which is more commonly known as "Stromfels' Kitty" for its aggressive habits and voracious appetite.

- Marienburg Secrerariat for Trade Equity:

This office, located within the Admiralty Building on High Tower Isle, operates both the Excise Service and the River Watch. It is charged with making sure that the city gets the tax money it demands from its inhabitants and with enforcing Port Law - the body of law that governs ship traffic within Marienburg and any crimes that are committed on the water.

- Grootche Marsh
pág 7: They trapped us in the Grootscher Marsh and burned our supplies in a night raid. Sorcery, my Lord!

pág 8: Many have evil reputations, the blackest given to 'Rat Rock', a vast jumble of cyclopean blocks at the north edge of the Grootscher Marsh, several of which bear markings disturbingly similar to those left by the Skaven.

pág 10: The Grootscher Marsh surrounds a long stretch of it, while portions have been swallowed by the sea. This ancient route is used infrequently, and then only by those who do not want to meet other travellers on their way.

Surrounding Marienburg where the Reik flows into the Manaanspoort Zee is the Grootscher Marsh, a forlorn delta that spreads for dozens of miles up and down the coast and back along the River Reik

Re: Buscando Libros

Publicado: 24 Jul 2012, 01:01
por Y.O.P.
Así, pues si...

Elftown: El Barrio Élfico
Elfgate Bridge: El Puente de la Puerta Élfica
Tumble Downs: Las Colinas Quebradas
Honourable Company of Lamplighters: La Honorable Compañía de Serenos y Vigilantes
Old Money Ward: Distrito del Dinero Antiguo
College of Navigation and Sea Magicks: este no hay quien lo encuentre, mañana te lo miro.
Grey Barbed Shark: Tiburón de Púa Gris
Marienburg Secrerariat for Trade Equity: La Secretaría de Equidad Comercial de Marienburgo
Grootche Marsh: La Ciénaga Grootscher

Re: Buscando Libros

Publicado: 25 Jul 2012, 19:32
por Y.O.P.
¡Y por fín lo encontré!, College of Navigation and Sea Magicks es la Escuela de Navegación y Magia Marina.

Re: Buscando Libros

Publicado: 26 Jul 2012, 08:11
por nelly
Muchíiiiiisimas gracias. Lo agradaceré muy muy pronto en el eslizón tradcuctor. Estar atentos.

Re: Buscando Libros

Publicado: 26 Jul 2012, 23:46
por igest
El maestro eslizón está frotándose las manos, su lengua silba mientras su escamosa piel roza su sillón. Está claro que está ansioso por ver que nuevos pergaminos pueden caer en sus manos.